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Puntuació mitjana 147 Ressenyes
Sandra Giulia ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
clarissa burt ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Игорь Тхир ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) One of the best restaurants I've been to, fast service, a large selection, and an affordable price. (Original) Один з найкращих ресторанів де я був, швидка подача, великий асортимент, і доступна ціна.

fa 10 mesos
Valerio Scaramucci ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Good food and courtesy (Original) Buon cibo e cortesia

fa 10 mesos
Cla Ber ha valorat a Google

fa 10 mesos
Mimi C. ha valorat a Google

fa 10 mesos
Marius Hutanu ha valorat a Google

fa 10 mesos
Ida Elena scovino ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Fast and excellent quality (Original) Veloci e ottima qualita

fa 10 mesos
Tomáš Hepal ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) A perfect place with fast service and perfect food for good money, I highly recommend all you can eat, especially to hungry people who don't have a problem with the quantity of excellent food, we had more or less only sushi, which I love the most, but I believe that the quality of the other dishes is certainly not far behind, they came we are on Friday at 6:00 p.m. as it says on the Internet, but the restaurant had written on the door open from 7:00 p.m., so we had to wait, so the time on the website would be appropriate to adjust, otherwise I have nothing to cut, if I'm in town again, for sure i will stop by👌🏽🤙🏽❤️🙏🏽 (Original) Perfektné miesto s rýchlou obsluhou a perfektným jedlom za dobré peniaze, all you can eat vrelo odporúčam, hlavne hladným ktorý nemaju problém s kvantom výborného jedla, my sme mali viac menej len sushi ktoré ja milujem najviac ale verím že kvalitou ostatné jedlá isto nezaostávajú, prišli sme v piatok o 18:00 ako je písané na internete ale reštaurácia mala na dverách napísané otvorené od 19:00, tak sme museli čakať, tak čas na stránke by bolo vhodné upraviť, inak nemám čo vytnúť, ak budem v meste zase, určite sa zastavím👌🏽🤙🏽❤️🙏🏽

fa 10 mesos
Maria Rosaria Napolitano ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Good, fresh food but avoid on Sundays (Original) Buono ,cibo fresco ma da evitare la domenica

fa 10 mesos

Sushi Sakura© 2024
Avís legal

Via Campo di Marte, 4/G
06124 Perugia PG, Italia

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