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Puntuació mitjana 147 Ressenyes
姚慧山 ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) One of the best self-service Japanese restaurants in Perugia, the dishes are small and exquisite, so you can have the opportunity to try all the dishes in the restaurant! You can’t make a mistake! The only regret is that if you come early, you can't wait in the store, even if you have a lot of things, the service is relatively rigid! (Original) 佩鲁贾最棒的自助日料店之一,菜品分量小而精致,如此一来可以有机会尝试该店所有的菜品!不会犯错的选择!唯一的遗憾是如果提前来了,不能在店内等候,尽管拿着很多的东西也不能,服务比较死板!

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Sburrito ha valorat a Google

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Gioco Bimbi ha valorat a Google

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adriana perziano ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Optimal (Original) Ottimo

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ARGAN PUREBIO ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Fantastic (Original) Fantastico

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alex martorelli ha valorat a Google

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emma campanella ha valorat a Google

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Luca Rosati ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Historic restaurant in Perugia, fast service, honest dishes, above all great value for money. Top fried chicken (Original) Ristorante storico a Perugia, veloci nel servizio, piatti onesti, soprattutto grande rapporto qualità prezzo. Pollo fritto top

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Samuele Ricci ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very quiet all you can eat, good food (considering all you can eat standards), quick service (Original) All you can eat tranquillissimo, cibo buono(considerando gli standard da all you can eat), rapidi nel servizio

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Mani Elyaderani ha valorat a Google

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Sushi Sakura© 2024
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Via Campo di Marte, 4/G
06124 Perugia PG, Italia

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